Paleochora Christmas Contest 2014

It’s time once again for the Christmas puzzle, with a large number of entries anticipated for the usual prize of a Ten Euro voucher at the ‘To Delfini’ bookshop in Paleochora. Here’s all you have to do. Below are ten clues, some slightly cryptic, each answer beginning with an initial letter of PALEOCHORA. P A …

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The Sassalos Gorge, an “Outdorsy Pathway”

Once upon a time, when Lynne and I were exploring that area, we came across a sign for an “Outdorsy Pathway” between Sassalos, Malathiros and Makronas.  But although we found and enjoyed the route from Makronas to Malathiros, we never located a path through the  Halasses gorge to Sassalos.  And I know why now  –  …

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