Papadiana to Sougia

It’s July in Crete, very hot, and only …. “ Mad fools and Englishmen go out in the midday sun “ Unless of course, someone recommends a walk starting high in the cool hills, winding down through shady forests, to end, late afternoon, in the Libyan Sea. So here we go. Firstly, check in the …

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Kallergi Mountain Refuge

Whilst the ascent of Gingilos, 1,974m, is a reasonably straightforward ascent from Xyloscala * (see Explore ! – April 2014), summits across the Samaria Gorge – Melindaou, Pachnes and other peaks in the Levka Ori – are less easily attainable, and outside the scope of many visitors to Crete. One shorter, easier, and rewarding ‘expedition’ …

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