From Strati over to Kadros, via Limnia

Long ago, before God invented ‘pick-up’ trucks, thus necessitating bull-dozed tracks and roads, communication between Cretan villages and ‘neighbourhoods’ was on foot, along shepherds’ paths or mule/donkey trails.  Some of these still exist, notably from Azogires both to Anidri and Spaniakos, and a beautiful but little-used route from Prodromi to Kamaria and Rodovani.  Others have …

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Exploring above Moni

If you’ve ever driven from Paleochora over to Sougia, maybe stopping en route to explore Ancient Elyros (see Explore ! March 2020) you’ll probably have passed through tiny Moni village almost without realising it. But there are three very good reasons to stop in Moni, the third being to call at the taverna, after visiting …

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