Kefali, Vathi and Pervolia

The best time to visit Elafonisi is undoubtedly during the winter, when summer hordes are  replaced by a few hardy visitors enjoying often windswept (but usually empty) beaches and bracing sea air.  Since Lynne died, it’s become an annual pilgrimage between Christmas and New Year, finding solace and strength for the year ahead, usually alone, …

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The Last Lemon Grove, and a walk to Spaniakos

Over the winter I re-read “The Last Lemon Grove”, a gift from visiting friends a couple of years ago.  Written by American Jackson Webb, published 1977, it tells of the author’s one-year sojourn in Paleochora in the early 70s, living alone and simply, and his affinities with various animals and pets, neighbours, and the local …

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