Paleochora Christmas Puzzle 2010
December is here, and with Christmas on the way, it’s puzzle time again. Here’s the chance to win a €10 book token to exchange at Paleohora’s ‘To Delfini’ bookshop (perhaps our guide to ‘More Walks from Paleochora‘, just a suggestion …..)
All you have to do is answer these ten questions.
The 1st number in brackets refers to the total number of letters in each answer. The 2nd number tells you which letter of the answer to take. Shuffle these ten letters to give the name of a village in the Paleohora area.
1 Large White Mountains vulture with distinctive diamond-shaped tail. (11-8)
2 Historical Byzantine chapel east of Agia Roumeli. (11-7)

Where have these boats been scuppered?
3 She held Odysseus captive for many years ….. (7-3)
4 Boat ….? To here ….? (10-6)

You just can’t quite read the name from this angle!
5 Greek dish made with potatoes, courgettes, cheese and tomatoes. (5-3)
6 Gorge and village west of Loutro. (7-6)
7 Beach 3 km west from Paleohora, with rock the shape of a ship’s prow. (11-7)

There’s a clue in there somewhere
8 Colourful plant, widespread in Crete, botanical name Nerium. (8-7)
9 Village, valley and river south of Rodovani. (7-3)
10 Summit, 2116m high, SE of Gingilos in the White Mountains. (8-4)
E-mail your answer to by the 28th December. Winner will be announced in January’s ‘Explore’ only on The Paleochora Site. Meanwhile a pleasant, peaceful, and bullet-proof Christmas to all readers, with much more to ‘Explore’ in the New Year.